v The word Aryan refers to upper class person
v The first permanent home of Aryan in India was , Punjab
v The region in which the Aryans first settled in India is called the ‘Land of Seven Rivers or Sapta Sindhava’
v The king was selected by Samiti.
v Men and women both could attend sabha
v Sabha performed judicial activities
v The head of army was known was Senani
v The Aryans succeeded everywhere because they possessed chariots driven by horses.
v Bali was a agriculture revenue
v The term ‘varna’ first mentioned in Rig veda
v The Aryan family was patriarchal ( head of the family male)
v Widow remarriage was existed but there were no evidence of child marriage.
v Their bronze smiths were highly skilled they produced tools and weapons
v The Aryans followed a mixed economy pastoral and agricultural
v One man life was equivalent to that of 100 cows
v The standard unit of exchange was cow.
v Nishka , Satmana, krishnal were the gold coins
v Gavyuti was used as a measure of distance and Godhuli as a measure of time.
v They worship more than one God.
v The most important divinity was Indra and the second position was held by Agni
v The didn’t believe in erecting temple or idol
- Indus Sindhu
- Jhelum Vitasta
- Chenab Askini
- Ravi Purushani
- Beas Vipasa
- Sutluj Sutudri
- Kabul Kumbha