LATER VEDIC PERIOD(1000 BC-600 BC)

RIGVEDIC PERIOD( 1500 BC-1000 BC)                  LA                    

The word Aryan refers to upper class person

The first permanent home of Aryan in India was , Punjab

The region in which the Aryans first settled in India is called the ‘Land of Seven Rivers or Sapta Sindhava’

The king was selected by Samiti.

Men and women both could attend sabha

Sabha performed judicial activities

The head of army was known was Senani

The Aryans succeeded everywhere because they possessed chariots driven by horses.

Bali was a agriculture revenue

The term ‘varna’ first mentioned in Rig veda

The Aryan family was patriarchal ( head of the family male)

Widow remarriage was existed but there were no evidence of child marriage.

Their bronze smiths were highly skilled they produced tools and weapons

The Aryans followed a mixed economy pastoral and agricultural

One man life was equivalent to that of 100 cows

The standard unit  of exchange was cow.

Nishka , Satmana, krishnal were the gold coins

Gavyuti was used as a measure of  distance and Godhuli as a measure of time.

They worship more than one God.

The most important divinity was Indra and the second position was held by Agni

The didn’t believe in erecting temple or idol

                                                      RIGVEDIC RIVERS 

          MODERN NAME                                          ANCIENT NAME

  1. Indus                                                                          Sindhu
  2. Jhelum                                                                       Vitasta
  3. Chenab                                                                      Askini
  4. Ravi                                                                           Purushani
  5. Beas                                                                           Vipasa
  6. Sutluj                                                                         Sutudri
  7. Kabul                                                                         Kumbha
Gandak                                                                      Sadanir 

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